Co-authored with Johannes Lindvall, and part of the Cambridge Studies in Comparative Politics series, Inward Conquest: The Political Origins of Modern Public Services is out now from Cambridge University Press.
Inward Conquest presents the first comprehensive analysis of the political origins of modern public services during the nineteenth and twentieth centuries. Ansell and Lindvall show how struggles among political parties and religious groups shaped the structure of diverse yet crucially important public services, including policing, schooling, and public health.
Described by Cathie Jo Martin (Boston University) as having "fascinating insights" and as "offer[ing] a comprehensive, sweeping view" of the subject, this book is the result of a long collaboration between our PI, Ben Ansell, and Johannes Lindvall of Lund University. Peter A. Hall (Harvard) calls the book an "indispensable study of the neglected side of the development of the state", and says "it will be of special interest in an era when a new pandemic has called into question the capacities of states to protect their citizens".
Read more about the book on the Cambridge University Press website.